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I was born in Brooklyn, and from as young as I can remember, I have had a fascination for subways. My mother used to take me for walks to the nearby park, and to get there, we had to cross over a bridge that overlooked the tracks of a small section of the Franklin Avenue shuttle that was open to the sky. As my mother recounted to me later, every time we crossed that bridge, I would grab on to the chain link fence and refuse to move until at least one train had passed by. Later on, as adolescents, my cousin and I would simply get on the subway and plan complicated journeys with transfers at different stations – just to ride. And always if possible in the front car so we could look out the window into the tunnel ahead

The scenes I have been able to capture inside the different metro systems I have visited are always among my favorites. Sadly, these days people are no longer very receptive to being photographed, even more so in a closed environment like a metro - so it is a lot harder to do successfully.

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